Wow, it’s your birthday!!!! Turn up? Naw, you’re still too young but we would give anything to see you marvel in the “terrible threes”. You were such a little ham! No doubt you would have given the threes a run for their money. We know you are in Heaven smiling down on us (or maybe licking your tongue at us). We want to CELEBRATE not mourn your day of birth. It was one of the happiest days of your parent’s life. Of all our lives.
I think of you every day when I talk to your Mommy. She’s doing okay but she wishes she could celebrate your birthday with you. So be sure to give her a sweet gentle hug to remind her you’ll always be there with her beside her heart. So guess what? You have a new baby sister! Her name is Lailah Simone. That’s right….she was named after you. (Go Avah!) When she gets bigger we will tell her all about you and how special you are to all of us. Daddy misses you too but you know that because he talks to you all the time, right? You’re always with him. Your brothers and sisters love and miss you. They even miss you pooping and peeing on them but Lailah’s been doing it like you told her. Funny, huh?
I miss you so much sweet girl. We ALL miss you terribly here on earth but we find comfort in knowing you are within God’s mighty arms and grace.
MARCH 10, 2014 will always be a special day in our hearts. We will NEVER forget you. How could we?
Happy 3rd Birthday Princess Avah Simone
May these poems bring you some small comfort.