I simply cannot believe you are the BIG “#4”. Do you know what that means? It’s “kinda” a super big deal. It means you’re “kinda” a super big girl now. I mean wow, you’re big enough for Pre-K!!!! That certainly is a big deal! My forever wish is to visit you in Heaven and see what a big girl you are now. A four-year-old can do lots of neat things. I bet you are doing them all. Like hopping on one foot, climbing everything, swinging high, and skipping around to name a few.
You’re your Mommy’s baby so I know you are a very smart girl. I know for sure you can say tons of words, spell your name, and count to maybe even 100? That’s a lot! I bet you love singing and dancing because you’re a Daddy’s girl too and Daddy taught you to love and appreciate music. Of course we cannot forget what your wonderful brothers and sisters taught you. At four, you’re probably ready to make up some “super cool make believe, fairy tales”, right? Your big sis Amarah would love to read you some great stories like she does for Lailah.
Can you believe, Jared, Jalen, and Yahirah are all sorta grown-ups now? Yes, they still like to play video games though. Your big brothers are gone off to the military. They are protecting the world. Kain is taller than all the grown-ups. Even Mommy and Daddy. That’s too funny huh? But don’t worry, not everyone is bigger than you. You’re still bigger than your baby sister Lailah. She’s only one but she’s smart just like you and she loves to play. I call her RJ, because she makes funny faces just like your Daddy. Daddy and RJ are like twins.
- You will forever be our Angel in Heaven. Look over us always and we’ll always keep you in our hearts. – Love Always, Your Family Forever
They all miss you very much. Mommy and I talk about you all the time. We love thinking about the sweet and funny things you would do. Sometimes we cry because we miss you so much. Sometimes I cry without telling Mommy because I know I have to help her be strong. I bet you don’t know how strong your family truly is. I think of you everyday. I always wonder what you’re doing. Sometimes when you visit in my dreams, you’re laughing so hard. What’s so funny? I bet Mikey is there making you laugh. Mikey was our doggy that went to heaven. He is super funny and he loves kids. He’ll even let you ride his back. As long as you’re nice.
I know there is a lot of people in heaven watching after you. People from your family and my family, and a lot of families. That’s because everyone loves you Avah. We wish you were here with us to celebrate your birthday but we know that’s just not possible. It does makes us sad but we promise not to be sad on your birthday. Because the day you were born was such a beautiful and special day. It is something we cherish. We will always be there with you in spirit and one day sweet girl, we will see you again. I love you Avah Cakes. Keep smiling bright and know you’re always with us.
Love Always & Forever God Momma