Avah Simone https://avahsimone.com "A moment in our arms, a lifetime in our hearts" Sat, 24 Aug 2024 21:34:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/avahsimone.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/cropped-IMG_3853.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Avah Simone https://avahsimone.com 32 32 214476437 Forget You – Never https://avahsimone.com/forget-you-never/ Sat, 24 Aug 2024 20:28:43 +0000 https://avahsimone.com/?p=1038

The word “forget” could never, and should never, be used when thinking of you. To forget is to fail to remember, and never could I fail to remember your perfect little face, your smile, pure as the sweetest sugar, or that delightful giggle that brought joy to my ears and heart. Never could I forget the joy that filled your parents and siblings when you were born, and every precious moment with you after. Never could I fail to remember the boundless love your innocent existence brought to us all.

What I wish I could forget is today—the day we lost you, eleven years ago. Though I struggle to understand, I cling to my faith, trusting that you are in God’s arms: protected, cherished, loved, and patiently awaiting the day you are reunited with your family. I hold fast to that belief because it sustains me in your absence and comforts me in my sorrow. I pray you hear us as we forever speak your name. We could never forget, because you are deeply embedded in our souls, etched seamlessly into our spirits, and held forever in our hearts.

Never could I ever forget you, my sweet God baby, Avah Cakes.
I will love you until my last breath, until the day we meet again.

Bring the Cake, Look who’s 8! https://avahsimone.com/bring-the-cake-look-whos-8/ Wed, 11 Mar 2020 00:07:19 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=961

Dear Avah,

I can hardly believe I am typing the words


Where oh were did the time go? So much has happened over the last few years. God-mommy is sorry she hasn’t written you more. We’ve had some beautiful times and some kind of tough times too. But most importantly, just know not a day has gone by that we haven’t thought of you and spoke your name.

Remember last time I told you Mommy was having two more babies? Well, you have another brother named Bo and a sister named Zorah. They are smart, funny, and loves music just like you! Bo was taking all the food when they were in Mommy’s tummy so he came out chubby! He is always smiling and loves his alphabets. Zorah is super smart and can do just about anything. She knows her alphabets, colors, and numbers. They are learning a lot from big sister Lailah who started Pre-K! Can you believe it? She didn’t exactly like it at first but she gets to ride the bus so she likes it a little better now.

I hope you’re getting to spend time with Grandma Terry and my Momma too. They are both in heaven with you so I feel safe knowing you’ll take good care of them. I feel like there is so much to tell you which is good because that means I’ll be back to write you soon. I just had to take time to let you know you’re always in my heart. I love you baby girl and I know you’re smiling down on us all from heaven always.


Love Always, Godmommy

Fantabulous Five https://avahsimone.com/fantabulous-five/ Sat, 11 Mar 2017 04:38:19 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=840 Dearest Avah Simone,

Hi my sweet girl. I’m a little late but I could never forget your birthday. I’ve thought about you all day and could not wait to write to you. Seems only yesterday you were just 17 months old. Then just like that, with a little bit of magic and a lot of sweetness you have now turned the B-I-G FIVE. Five is a huge deal because you’re not a toddler anymore.

You’re becoming such a big girl.



Mommy and I talked about you last night before bedtime and sure enough I had the best dream. I love it when you visit me in my dreams. But this time everyone was there. Mommy, Daddy and all your siblings were there. We were having a PARTY!!!! You know Daddy was telling jokes and everybody was laughing. All your siblings were dancing (even though Kain dances better than all of us). We were having a great time. We loved seeing you blow out all of your candles. You looked so happy and that made all of us very happy too. We were eating cake and ice cream, popping balloons, opening presents, and singing. I didn’t know you could sing so well now! You must get that from your Mommy because God Momma is as tone deaf as they come. Tone deaf means when I sing, I sound like a cat crying. You’re not supposed to laugh at that you know!

Of course I have to tell you what everyone is up to. Amarah is like the Queen of Girl Scouts. She sold a ton of cookies (I admit I ate a lot of cookies). She also gets to do neat stuff with her girl scout friends. Your biggest bro Jared is off to sea for the first time in an entirely different country. Isn’t that cool? We miss him but we know he’ll be back soon. Your brother Jalen is “officially” the police. Guess that means everyone has to be good or he can arrest us huh? But don’t worry, he can still get a whooping from Mommy and Daddy if he tries to arrest us. (I hear you giggling). Your big sis Yahirah is done with high school and going to start a new adventure soon. I know if you were here, you’d be following her everywhere because she’s a cool big sister. She kind, beautiful, and smart. Ask your little sis Lailah. Lailah is 2 years old now. Can you believe it? Not to worry, you’re still bigger than her but I think she may be as tall as you. She’s really tall for two. And Daddy lets her run outside, just like he did with you. She loves going for walks.

Wait! I forgot about Kain! That’s because he’s such a jokester. He was probably hiding from us the entire time. Yes, he’s still super super tall and I think he still grows sometimes. Soon, he’ll be able to reach the moon!!!!

You’re going to be shocked when I tell you this but GUESS WHAT!!!!! You’re going to be a big sister AGAIN! TWO MORE TIMES!!! Yes, Mommy has two babies in her tummy. One is a boy and one is a girl. Isn’t it so exciting? I know you would make the best big sister ever. You were always such a beautiful sweet princess.

Five years ago today, was a special special day. It was the day God blessed us all with you. And although he called you home to be with Him, we will never forget you. You live inside our hearts every day. You constantly remind me to love hard, be happy as much as possible, and most of all you taught me how to love something more than I could ever even love myself. You haven’t just taught me that, you’ve taught many of us that. We thank God for the beautiful 17 months we had with you. We’ll never stop cherishing every moment!

You were a moment in our arms, but a lifetime in our hearts.

Happy Birthday Avah Simone Monds

I miss you, I love you, I think of you daily.

Love Always,

Your tone deaf God Momma

Fabulous Fantastic Four https://avahsimone.com/fabulous-fantastic-four/ Thu, 10 Mar 2016 05:00:29 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=622 Hello Birthday Princess Avah,

I simply cannot believe you are the BIG “#4”. Do you know what that means? It’s “kinda” a super big deal. It means you’re “kinda” a super big girl now. I mean wow, you’re big enough for Pre-K!!!! That certainly is a big deal! My forever wish is to visit you in Heaven and see what a big girl you are now. A four-year-old can do lots of neat things. I bet you are doing them all. Like hopping on one foot, climbing everything, swinging high, and skipping around to name a few.

You’re your Mommy’s baby so I know you are a very smart girl. I know for sure you can say tons of words, spell your name, and count to maybe even 100? That’s a lot! I bet you love singing and dancing because you’re a Daddy’s girl too and Daddy taught you to love and appreciate music. Of course we cannot forget what your wonderful brothers and sisters taught you. At four, you’re probably ready to make up some “super cool make believe, fairy tales”, right? Your big sis Amarah would love to read you some great stories like she does for Lailah.

Can you believe, Jared, Jalen, and Yahirah are all sorta grown-ups now? Yes, they still like to play video games though. Your big brothers are gone off to the military. They are protecting the world. Kain is taller than all the grown-ups. Even Mommy and Daddy. That’s too funny huh? But don’t worry, not everyone is bigger than you. You’re still bigger than your baby sister Lailah. She’s only one but she’s smart just like you and she loves to play. I call her RJ, because she makes funny faces just like your Daddy. Daddy and RJ are like twins.

Monds Family 12-2015
You will forever be our Angel in Heaven. Look over us always and we’ll always keep you in our hearts. – Love Always, Your Family Forever

They all miss you very much. Mommy and I talk about you all the time. We love thinking about the sweet and funny things you would do. Sometimes we cry because we miss you so much. Sometimes I cry without telling Mommy because I know I have to help her be strong. I bet you don’t know how strong your family truly is. I think of you everyday. I always wonder what you’re doing. Sometimes when you visit in my dreams, you’re laughing so hard. What’s so funny? I bet Mikey is there making you laugh. Mikey was our doggy that went to heaven. He is super funny and he loves kids. He’ll even let you ride his back. As long as you’re nice.


I know there is a lot of people in heaven watching after you. People from your family and my family, and a lot of families. That’s because everyone loves you Avah. We wish you were here with us to celebrate your birthday but we know that’s just not possible. It does makes us sad but we promise not to be sad on your birthday. Because the day you were born was such a beautiful and special day. It is something we cherish. We will always be there with you in spirit and one day sweet girl, we will see you again. I love you Avah Cakes. Keep smiling bright and know you’re always with us.


Love Always & Forever God Momma

Happy Birthday Avah




Only Tears of Joy https://avahsimone.com/only-tears-of-joy/ Mon, 24 Aug 2015 16:00:26 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=574

Hi My Beautiful Avah Girl,

Why does 2 years seem like 2 very precious moments ago that you were here with us? I miss you so very much. It has been difficult for your Mommy and Daddy but I promise you I will always look after them as I know you do from heaven.

Nothing or no one could ever replace you and we all feel like crying for you. But we will try to remember the goodness and meaning you gave to all of us. You have made us all stronger (even if we do not realize it). You make us remember to ALWAYS be thankful for our blessings because losing you showed us what real heartache can do to one’s soul.

Although I may cry for you I PROMISE YOU they will only be tears of joy as I reminisce on the times we shared. Please watch over your Parents and Siblings. They need you – especially as they continue to mourn for you.

Two years ago you left us in the physical form but we’ll NEVER be without you in our hearts.

I’ll always love you sweet girl.

Love Always, God Mommy

Big Girl

“Don’t Cry” by Cece Winans

Here we are again
That old familiar place
Where the winds will blow
No one ever knows the time nor place


Don’t cry for me
Don’t shed a tear
The time I shared with you will always be
And when I’m gone, please carry on

Don’t Cry for me
No one is the blame,
My death was meant to be
Don’t carry guilt nor shame
The reason why I came soon you’ll see

[Repeat Chorus]

Don’t cry when life is not the joy it should be
With life comes pain
Soon time will end this course appointed
And you will be rewarded
And all the world will see

Don’t cry for me
Don’t shed a tear
The time I shared with you will always be
And when I’m gone
Life still carries on

Don’t cry for me
We’ll always be
Don’t cry for me

Happy 3rd Birthday Avah Cakes! https://avahsimone.com/happy-3rd-birthday-avah-cakes/ Tue, 10 Mar 2015 04:00:39 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=539 Hi Beautiful Girl,

Wow, it’s your birthday!!!! Turn up? Naw, you’re still too young but we would give anything to see you marvel in the “terrible threes”. You were such a little ham! No doubt you would have given the threes a run for their money. We know you are in Heaven smiling down on us (or maybe licking your tongue at us). We want to CELEBRATE not mourn your day of birth. It was one of the happiest days of your parent’s life. Of all our lives.

I think of you every day when I talk to your Mommy. She’s doing okay but she wishes she could celebrate your birthday with you. So be sure to give her a sweet gentle hug to remind her you’ll always be there with her beside her heart. So guess what? You have a new baby sister! Her name is Lailah Simone. That’s right….she was named after you. (Go Avah!) When she gets bigger we will tell her all about you and how special you are to all of us. Daddy misses you too but you know that because he talks to you all the time, right? You’re always with him. Your brothers and sisters love and miss you. They even miss you pooping and peeing on them but Lailah’s been doing it like you told her. Funny, huh?


I miss you so much sweet girl. We ALL miss you terribly here on earth but we find comfort in knowing you are within God’s mighty arms and grace.

MARCH 10, 2014 will always be a special day in our hearts. We will NEVER forget you. How could we?

Happy 3rd Birthday Princess Avah Simone

 May these poems bring you some small comfort.


One Year of Love https://avahsimone.com/one-year-of-love/ Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:05:04 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=521 Hello Sweet Girl,

I’m astounded that an entire year has passed since you left us precious girl.

I can remember the day like yesterday. Hearing the solemn words, “She’s gone”! I screamed out of pain, remorse, and pure rage. I felt betrayed. I felt heartbroken, unable to move from the spot I sat on the floor as I cried my eyes out. Then I remembered your brother Jared was with me only a few feet away in the other room. I had to pull myself together to deliver the news.

Your Mommy and Daddy are the strongest people I’ve come to know. Your daddy called and consoled me that day. He calmed me down and told me what I needed to do. He told me you were safe in heaven. He told me you were no longer suffering in this cruel world. He told me we would all be okay. He helped your Mommy too. One thing I can tell you baby girl is that they love you more than anything. Your sisters and brothers love you too.

We all miss you but we know heaven couldn’t wait for you.

Today was difficult for your Mommy and Daddy because they think of all the things they could have done with you over this past year. I think of them a lot myself. But we have to think of all the amazing memories you left for us. We love looking at all your beautiful pictures and videos. Your sister Amarah took a million pictures of you. Everyone did. You were our little superstar and you didn’t even know it. I talked to your Mommy today and she said, “She’s okay” so please do not worry about her. I will always be here for her. I promise you that.

We understand you had to go on.
We just struggle to understand why our hearts still fill full sometimes with sadness.

I tell your parents all the time that you are their (our) angel. You always looked like an angel. Even when you were stealing Mommy’s drinks, taking your siblings game controllers, or singing with Daddy. You were too good for this world. That I know. Please continue to look over your mommy, daddy, and siblings because they will always love and miss you.

It makes me happy knowing I was able to hold you, kiss your fat cheeks, and rock you to sleep even if only once or twice. Once is all I needed for a lifetime of love in my heart for you.

I really miss you baby girl and I’ll keep your memory alive forever.


MARCH 10, 2012 to AUGUST 24, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

Happy Birthday Avah Simone https://avahsimone.com/happy-birthday-avah-simone/ https://avahsimone.com/happy-birthday-avah-simone/#respond Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:36:23 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=429 Time seems to pass slowly as we all miss the beautiful smile of Avah.  Not one day goes by that Avah is not missed by the so many people she touched. As her birthday nears I ask that you all lift up her parents, siblings, and all those who miss her in prayer. May we CELEBRATE not mourn her day of birth, for it was a miraculous day.  It was the day He saw fit to let us borrow his darling angel. While her time with us seemed undeniably short, we know her purpose and mission was accomplished.

Lets remind ourselves that the through love and memories we can forever sustain our bond with this precious soul. Cake FaceOn MARCH 10, 2014  let us be reminded of her amazing spirit and zest for exploring life. May our sweet angel be forever eating all the birthday cake her heart desires because we’ve come to know “HEAVEN COULDN’T WAIT FOR YOU, SO GO ON, GO HOME!”

We Love & Miss You

Beautiful Girl

Happy 2nd Birthday


Pink Ballons Cake Baby Beautiful-butterfly-happy-birthday

Dearest Avah….

Missing You

https://avahsimone.com/happy-birthday-avah-simone/feed/ 0 429
Our Precious Gift & Angel ~ Avah Simone https://avahsimone.com/allaboutavah/ Sun, 25 Aug 2013 02:44:04 +0000 http://avahsimone.com/?p=1

It was a beautiful day on March 10, 2012, that the world was blessed with a rare angel here on earth. Her name was Avah Simone. She was blessed into the loving arms of her parents Rodney and Stephanie. Quickly she was filled with tons of hugs, kisses, and squeezes from her five older siblings, Jared, Jalen, Yahirah, Kain, and Amarah. There she was….an adorable bundle of pure joy. Her days were full of family and sweet times. She was a happy baby whose smile could brighten up an entire room. She acquired an early love for music. Her family, particularly her Daddy used it to soothe her little soul. She would often dance and sing and feel free with the music. Her favorite song was Barney’s “I Love You”. She knew all the words and would quickly shake her head “no” when someone sang the words incorrectly.

All too soon on August 24, 2013, Avah Simone was unexpectedly called home to heaven where her wings could fly freely and eternally. While she’s left us all here on earth, we know she could never leave our hearts. We love you Avah Simone forever and always.


Heaven Bound
