I’m astounded that an entire year has passed since you left us precious girl.
I can remember the day like yesterday. Hearing the solemn words, “She’s gone”! I screamed out of pain, remorse, and pure rage. I felt betrayed. I felt heartbroken, unable to move from the spot I sat on the floor as I cried my eyes out. Then I remembered your brother Jared was with me only a few feet away in the other room. I had to pull myself together to deliver the news.
Your Mommy and Daddy are the strongest people I’ve come to know. Your daddy called and consoled me that day. He calmed me down and told me what I needed to do. He told me you were safe in heaven. He told me you were no longer suffering in this cruel world. He told me we would all be okay. He helped your Mommy too. One thing I can tell you baby girl is that they love you more than anything. Your sisters and brothers love you too.
We all miss you but we know heaven couldn’t wait for you.
Today was difficult for your Mommy and Daddy because they think of all the things they could have done with you over this past year. I think of them a lot myself. But we have to think of all the amazing memories you left for us. We love looking at all your beautiful pictures and videos. Your sister Amarah took a million pictures of you. Everyone did. You were our little superstar and you didn’t even know it. I talked to your Mommy today and she said, “She’s okay” so please do not worry about her. I will always be here for her. I promise you that.
We understand you had to go on. We just struggle to understand why our hearts still fill full sometimes with sadness.I tell your parents all the time that you are their (our) angel. You always looked like an angel. Even when you were stealing Mommy’s drinks, taking your siblings game controllers, or singing with Daddy. You were too good for this world. That I know. Please continue to look over your mommy, daddy, and siblings because they will always love and miss you.
It makes me happy knowing I was able to hold you, kiss your fat cheeks, and rock you to sleep even if only once or twice. Once is all I needed for a lifetime of love in my heart for you.
I really miss you baby girl and I’ll keep your memory alive forever.